Wednesday, 10 February 2010



For my feedback on my magazine I used a questionnaire that consisted of eight questions to find out the thoughts of other people about what they think of my magazine. Here to the left of the page is an example of a questionnaire that I handed out and then was filled in. In total I handed out 5 questionnaires to give to me some accurate questionnaire results.

Questionnaire Results: The results will be shown on a pie chart via PDF on Google Documents.

1) What gender are you?

80% Female 10% Male

2) Do you think that the mast head (title) is suitable for the type of music magazine?

100% Yes 0% No

3) If yes, explain why?

The general response from the questionnaire was that it was very girly, had the word Pop in the title and that it is similar to real media products.

4) Do you think there is enough information given for the target audience for the front cover? Explain why

100% yes
Explaining that the majority say: as there is enough information, that its not too crowded and there are lots of images used.

5) What would you rate the quality of the photos taken in the magazine?

High 40% Average 60% Low 0%

6) Would my magazine appeal to you if you were in the target audience of 8-12?

Yes 100% No 0%

7) Explain why you think this?

Majority: free gifts, fun magazine as children can relate to the artists.

8) Finally, what mark would you give me for my magazine overall out of 10?

0/10 1/10 2/10 3/10 4/10 5/10 6/10 7/10 8/10 9/10 10/10
2 2 1

Wednesday, 3 February 2010