Sunday 18 October 2009


My magazine has now been completed. I think that the most successful part of it is the layout used and the use of colour. I feel that my layout is successful as you can read everything and has a substainstal amount of detail in the sells. Also the use of colour on the sells, as I have used purple and yellow, which are to colours that work well as they compliment each other when on a background.
I think the magazine could of been improved by having a bettet quality image, the pixels were not exact so this gave off an blury effect making viewing the image slightly difficult. So if I was to improve it I would take more time and care taking a photo. Also using a better background, with better lighting.
A quote from my target audience. ' I think Jenny's magazine cover works well as it draws attention to me the target audience. Not bad for a first try!'
' Jenny's magazine cover is really well detailed and has a lot of interesting content. I would buy this magazine!'

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